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PFL 2 – Live Round-by-Round Coverage

June 21, 2018 | League
PFL 2 – Live Round-by-Round Coverage


Dan Spohn vs. Bazigit Ataev (Light Heavyweight Bout)

Round 1:

Spohn lands a accidental kick to the groin to start the fight.  After a brief time for Ataev to recover, the fight is restarted.  Ataev inches forward.  Spohn paws with his jab.  They clinch and Ataev lands a low knee and Spohn is given time to recover.  They exchange leg kicks.  Ataev continues to move forward.  He lands to the body with a right hand.  Spohn circles away.  Ataev picks up the pace and lands an inside leg kick.  He initiates the clinch and delivers a knee to the body.  Ataev lands a combination on the break.  Ataev steps in with a straight right hand.  They clinch and work for position.  Spohn delivers a left hand and a knee to the body to end the round.

Round 2:

Spohn presses forward to start the second frame. He partially lands a high kick.  Spohn ducks under a punch and takes Ataev down.  He quickly takes Ataev’s back.  Ataev stands but Spohn stays on his back.  Ataev shakes Spohn off and gains top position.  Spohn controls Ataev’s posture.  Ataev delivers left hands to the body.  Spohn being aggressive off his back.  Spohn is cut above his left eye.  The corner goes to work on the cut between rounds.

Round 3:

Spohn lands a short right hand and receives a finger in the eye.  He’s given time to recover.  A doctor is called in to check Spohn’s eye and he’s cleared to continue.  Spohn lands a combination.  He delivers a knee to the body.  Ataev closes the distance and ties Spohn up along the cage.  He lands a knee to the body and creates enough space to throw a combination.  Ataev continues to pressure Spohn  against the cage.  They separate and Spohn lands a jab.  Ataev initiates the clinch and presses Spohn against the cage.  Spohn lands a right hand on a brief break.  Spohn lands a combination on the inside.  They separate and Spohn explodes forward with a combination.  Ataev lands a straight right hand and clinches.  Spohn circles free and fires off a a flurry.  A right hand lands flush on the chin and drops Ataev.  Spohn seized the opportunity and finishes with strikes on the ground.

Official Result: Dan Spohn def. Bazigit Ataev by TKO (punches) at 4:31, Round 3


Chris Wade vs. Natan Schulte (Lightweight Bout)

Round 1:

The exchange leg kicks to start the round.  Wade changes levels and looks to get the fight to the ground.  Schulte scrambles and gets back to his feet.  Wade keeps the pressure on and they battle for position along the fence.  Schulte trips Wade to the ground.  Wade quickly gets back to his feet and trips Schulte to the canvas.  Schulte uses the cage to get back standing and Wade delivers knees to the legs of Schulte.  Schulte tosses Wade to the ground but Wade immediately gets back to his feet.  Wade steps in with a combination.  Schulte answers with a left hand.  Schulte presses forward and lands a right hand.  Wake responds with an uppercut and Schulte trips Wade to the canvas.  Wade wastes no time getting back to his feet and lands an uppercut.  Schulte continues to move forward.  Wade switches stances and Schulte clinches.  They separate and exchange in the closing seconds of the round.

Round 2:

Schulte presses foward and the two exchange uppercuts inside the clinch position.  Schulte keeping Wade off balance.  Wade switches position and delivers a knee to the body.  They separate and Wade lands a kick to the body.  Schulte responds with a right hand.  Schulte lands a kick to the body and closes the distance.  Wade lands an uppercut.  Schulte continues to pressure Wade but Wade is landing as Schulte plows forward.  Schulte lands a knee inside the clinch.  He secures a takedown and works from the half guard position.  He stands and lands a hard right hand.  Wade using his jab to try and keep Schulte on the outside.  Schulte lands a knee.  They’re keeping a grueling pace.  Schulte delivers two leg kicks.  Wade reacts with a combination.

Round 3:

Schulte rushes across the cage and lands a combination.  Wade responds with a combination.  Schulte picks up the pace and lands punches.  Wade changes levels looking for a takedown but Schulte sprawls.  Schulte lands short left hands.  Wade scrambles and gets top position but immediately loses it.  Schulte delivers hammer fists and punches.  Wade tries to stand but is powered back to the canvas.  Wade desperately works to stand but schulte kicks out his leg and maintains top control.

Official Result: Chris Wade def. Natan Schulte by unanimous decision (30-26, 30-26, 30-27)


Thiago Tavares vs. Robert Watley (Lightweight Bout)

Round 1:

Watley takes the center of the cage and Tavares misses with a head kick.  Watley using footwork to look for angles.  Watley stops a takedown attempt and gains top position.  Tavares isolates a leg but Watley gets free.  Watley drops back down to the ground with Tavares and Tavares again isolates a leg.  Tavares looks for an ankle lock and Watley delivers hammer fists.  Watley gets his leg free and tells Tavares to stand.  Watley lands a knee to the body followed by a left hand.  Tavares answers with a leg kick.  Watley changes levels and slams Tavares to the canvas.  He finishes the round on top of Tavares.

Round 2:

Tavares lands an outside leg kick to start the round.  Watley steps in with a right hand.  Watley lands an accidental kick to the groin.  Tavares falls to the canvas after a delayed reaction.  You could hear the shin hit the protective cup.  Tavares remains on the canvas in obvious pain.  Tavares makes his way to the fence and props his legs up on the cage.

Official Result:  Robert Watley def. Thiago Tavares via TKO (accidental low blow) – Round 2, 0:35


Maxim Grishin vs. Jason Butcher (Light Heavyweight Bout)

Round 1:

Butcher lands first with a right hand and presses Grishin against the fence.  He looks to get the fight to the ground but Grishin shakes off the attempt.  Butcher lands two leg kicks and Grishin responds with a right hand.  He lands another right hand that drops Butcher.  He follows Butcher to the canvas and stands and tells Butcher to stand.  Butcher unable to stand.  He barely gets back to his feet and then falls back to the canvas.  The fight is called off.

Official Result: Maxim Grishin def. Jason Butcher by TKO (ankle injury) at 1:40, Round 1


Rashid Yusupov vs. Rakim Cleveland (Light Heavyweight Bout)

Round 1: 

They feel each other out early before exchanging leg kicks.  Yusupov lands a left hand and Cleveland answers with a right.  Yusupov lands a left hand after going to the body.  He lands a kick to the body and misses with a big right hand.  Yusupov goes to the body with a right hand and takes Cleveland down.  He delivers left hands to the body and head.  Cleveland works his way back to his feet but Yusupov stays with him.  Yusupov works to take Cleveland’s back.  He softens up Cleveland with short punches whole fishing for a rear-naked choke.  Yusupov applies the choke and Cleveland escapes the submission attempt.  Yusupov remains on Cleveland’s back and lands right hands.  He continues to land short shots until the round ends.

Round 2:

Cleveland comes out in the second frame moving forward.  He lands a right hand and is throwing heavy shots.  The briefly clinch before separating.  Cleveland inches forward and lands an outside leg kick.  Yusupov steps in with a jab.  Cleveland rushes forward with a flurry.  Yusupov tries to call a time out for some reason.  Cleveland continues to move forward.  He ties Yusupov up and delivers knees to Yusupov’s legs.  Cleveland controlling Yusupov along the cage.  He delivers hammer fists to Yusupov’s legs.  They separate and Cleveland lands an uppercut.

The fight is stopped when Yusopov doesn’t leave the stool to start the round.

Official Result: Rakim Cleveland def. Rashid Yusupov by TKO at 0:01, Round 3


Vinny Magalhaes vs. Jamie Abdallah (Light Heavyweight Bout)

Rounds 1:

Magalhaes takes the center of the cage while Abdallah circles on the outside.  Magalhaes lands a leg kick.  Abdallah responds by pressing forward with punches.  They clinch.  Magalhaes secures a takedown and quickly takes Abdallah’s back.  He lands punches before applying a rear-naked choke.  Abdallah desperately tries to defend the submission attempt but is forced to tap out.

Official Result: Vinny Magalhaes def. Jamie Abdallah by submission (rear-naked choke) at 1:37, Round 1


Islam Mamedov vs. Yuki Kawana (Lightweight Bout)

Round 1:

Kawana comes out fast with a leaping in right hand that misses.  They clinch and Mamedov delivers a knee to the body.  Kawana controlling Mamedov against the cage.  He works for a takedown but Mamedov defends.  Mamedov lands a knee to the body and Kawana looks to get the fight to the ground.  They battle for position along the fence.  Mamedov displays good takedown defense and looks for a takedown of his own.  He slams Kawana to the canvas but Kawana quickly gets to his feet only to be taken down again.  Mamedov gains top position and delivers right hands from back control.  He moves to the back mount and delivers punches from both sides.  The referee stands them up after seeing Mamedov grab the fence.  Mamedov jumps in with a knee and Kawana counters with a right hand.  Kawana misses wildly with a combination and looks for a takedown at the bell.

Round 2: 

Kawana takes a big swing and misses.  He ties Mamedov up and presses him against the cage.  They exchange knees to the body.  Mamedov changes the position and delivers a knee to the body.  He lands another one.  Mamedov leaps with a flying knee and pushes Kawana away.  Mamedov closes the distance and clinches.  He drags Kawana to the ground.  Kawana quickly gets back to his feet but is taken down again. Kawana again gets to his feet but gets put on his back again.  Mamedov works to take Kawana’s back as Kawana attempts to stand.  Kawana unable to get free of Mamedov’s grasp.  Mamedov lands two short right hands and Kawana gets to his feet.  The round ends with the fighters standing toe-to-toe.

Round 3:

Kawana rushes across the cage.  He misses with a wild right hand.  Mamadov lands a right hand.  Kawana turns up the pressure and lands shots.  Mamedov retreats.  Kawana chases him.  He lands a right hand.  Mamedov opts to try and get the fight to the ground.  He eventually secures the takedown but Kawana quickly gets back to his feet.  Mamedov keeps the pressure on and doens’t give Kawana an inch of space.  Kawana tries to throw Mamedov to the ground but Mamedov gains top position.  He takes Kawana’s back.  He applies a body triangle and delivers short left hands.  The round ends with Mamedov maintaining position.

Official Result: Islam Mamedov def. Yuki Kawana by unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28)


Smealinho Rama vs. Brandon Halsey (Light Heavyweight Bout)

Round 1:

Halsey paws with his jab. Rama lands a right hand and Halsey immediately goes for a takedown. He gets it and advances to the mount. Rama sweeps Halsey and gains top position. Halsey isolates a leg but can’t do anything with it. Halsey works his way back to his feet and they separate. Roma lands an inside leg kick and sends Halsey retreating. Rama follows Halsey to the ground and moves to the mount. Halsey escapes the position and gets to his feet. Rama lands a kick to the body and secures a takedown. Working from half guard, Rama lands left hands. Halsey works his way back to his feet and tries to roll for a kneebar. They scramble back to their feet. Rama lands a kick to the body. Halsey desperately looks for a takedown. Rama takes his back and applies a rear-naked choke. Halsey is saved by the bell.

Round 2:

Halsey presses forward and looks for a takedown.  Rama moves away and lands a head kick.  Halsey falls to his back.  Rama follows him to the canvas and Halsey reverses the position.  Halsey stands and Rama goes for a leg.  They scramble and Rama gets top position only to be reversed.  They stand and separate.  Halsey dives for a takedown and gets it.  He mounts Rama and delivers big right hands.  Rama rolls to his back.  Halsey continues to land punches.  Rama is cut over his right eye and taking more damage.  Rama unable to escape the mount and Halsey hammers away with punches.  Rama gives up his back and gains top position  He stands and drops down for a kneebar.  Halsey escapes and mounts Rama.  Halsey delivers a series of left hands.  Halsey continues to land punches.

The fight is stopped due to a gash over Rama’s right eye.

Official Result: Brandon Halsey def. Smealinho Rama by TKO (doctor stoppage due to cut) at 0:01, Round 3


Ronny Markes vs. Sean O’Connell (Light Heavyweight Bout)

Round 1:

They touch gloves and exchange inside leg kicks.  Markes lands a leg kick and drives forward for a takedown.  He gets it and takes O’Connell’s back as O’Connell works to stand.  Markes delivers punches and O’Connell escapes out the backdoor.  Seconds later, Markes sweeps O’Connell and gains top position.  O’Connell scrambles and Markes takes his back.  Markes hammers away with punches and O’Connell reverses him.  O’Connell lands short punches and Markes reverses the position.  Markes lands shots and O’Connell powers to his feet.  Markes looks to land a flying knee but comes up short.  He secures a takedown and O’Connell gets to his feet at the bell.

Round 2: 

They two come out exchanging in the second round.  O’Connell connects with a right hand that sends Markes crashing to the canvas.  O’Connell follows Markes to the ground and hammers away with punches until the referee steps in to stop it.

Official Result: Sean O’Connell def. Ronny Markes by TKO (punches) at 0:41, Round 2


Efrain Escudero vs. Jason High (Lightweight Bout)

Round 1:

High inches forward behind his jab before landing leg kicks.  Escudero looks for a takedown and High applies a guillotine.  He lets it go but maintains top position.  Escudero isolates a leg and uses it to scramble to his feet.  High clinches and controls Escudero along the cage.  High delivers a knee to the body and Escudero lands heels strikes to High’s legs.  High separates and lands a hook to the body.  Escudero ducks under a punch and circles behind High.  They work for position along the cage.  High secures a takedown He works inside Escudero’s guard.  He postures up and lands two powerful left hands.  Escudero scrambles to his feet but doesn’t stay there long.  High delivers left hands from top position while Escudero delivers heel strikes from the bottom.

Round 2:

They come out swinging to start the second frame before clinches.  Escudero looks for a takedown and gets it.  High quickly gets back to his feet.  He pushes Esudero away and changes levels for a takedown.  High puts Escudero on his back and delivers punches to the body and head.  He works inside Escudero’s closed guard.  High moves to half guard and lands short left hands.  Escudero staying active on the bottom but High maintaining position.  Escudero kicks High off him but is unable to get back to his feet.  High moves to half guard.  He lands a right hand and Escudero scrambles but is unable to escape the position.  The round ends with High on top of Escudero with Escudero throwing strikes from the bottom.

Round 3:

Escudero presses forward. High looks for a takedown and Escudero applies a guillotine choke.  He pulls guard to tighten it down.  High works to defend and the referee steps in to stop the fight.  High protests saying he didn’t tap.

High storms out of the cage in protest.

Official Result: Efrain Escudero def. Jason High by submission (guillotine choke) at 0:35, Round 3


Kayla Harrison vs. Brittney Elkin (Women’s Lightweight Bout)

Round 1:

They touch gloves and Harrison presses forward.  She’s met with punches but she closes the distance and clinches.  She quickly trips Elkin to the canvas.  She postures up and lands a right hand before moving to half guard.  Harrison lands a series of right hands.  Elkin turns and Harrison takes her back.  Elkin fights Harrison’s hands to prevent a rear-naked choke.  She controls Harrison’s left arm.  Harrison transitions to an armbar.  She rolls and extends Elkin’s arm.  Elkin is forced to tap out.

Official Result: Kayla Harrison def. Brittney Elkin by submission (armbar) at 3:18, Round 1


Brian Foster vs. Ramsey Nijem (Lightweight Bout)

Round 1:

They touch gloves.  Nijem moves in with a jab.  Foster rushes forward with a flurry.  He lands a left hand and Nijem looks for a takeodwn.  Foster defends the attempt and takes Nijem down.  Nijem gets back to his feet and works to put Foster on his back.  Foster turns the corner and gains top position.  Foster lands short punches and Nijem scrambles.  Foster looks to take Nijem’s back but Nijem turns into him and gains top control.  Midway through the round Nijem works in half guard. Foster works his way back to full guard.  Foster stays active on the bottom.  Nijem stands and quickly jumps back in with a combination.  Foster scrambles and briefly had top position before being reversed.  Foster isolates an arm and uses a kimura to sweep Nijem.  Foster works for the submission but Nijem defends the attempt until the bell.

Round 2:

Foster presses forward. They exchange leg kicks and exchange wildly. Foster rushes in with punches and Nijem changes levels and secures a takedown. Nijem moves to half guard as Foster looks to create a scramble from the bottom. Nijem maintains top position. Nijem lands shots and advances to the mount position. Nijem looks to secure a guillotine choke. He rolls to his back and Foster slips his head free. They battle for position along the cage and Foster gains top position. He lands a right hand. He stands and dives in with huge right hands. Nijem reverses Foster at the bell.

Round 3:

They touch gloves to start the round.  Foster unloads a spinning kick.  Foster lands a spinning back kick to the body.  He lands a flying knee that knocks Nijem down.  Foster follows Nijem to the canvas and finishes with a series of strikes.

Official Result: Brian Foster def. Ramsey Nijem by KO (flying knee and punches) at 0:23, Round 3


Luiz Firmino vs. Will Brooks (Lightweight Bout)

Round 1:

They two touch gloes.  Firmino presses foward as Brooks circles laterally on the outside.  Firmino continues to press forward and Brooks changes levels and secures a takedown.  Firmino looks for a guillotine choke but Brooks quickly escapes.  Firmino works to isolate Brook’s left arm.  Brooks stays composed and postures up and lands a elft hand.  Brooks stands over Firmino and tells him to stand.  Firmino goes back to moving forward.  Brooks lands his jab and moves away.  Brooks goes to the body with a left hook.  Firmino closes the distance and clinches.  Brooks circles free.  Firmino misses with a big right hand and uses the forward momentum to look for a takedown.  Brooks balances on one leg but eventually finds himself on his back.  He scrambles back to his feet in the closing seconds of the frame.

Round 2:

Firmino inches forward adn Brooks lands a leg kick.  Firmino continues to use forward pressure and ties Brooks up.  Brooks trips Firmino to the canvas and lands in half guard.  Firmino scrambles to his feet and they battle for position against the cage.  They separate and Brooks lands a combination.  Firmino lands a right hand and plows forward.  They clinch and quickly separate.  Firmino lands a right hand and looks to get the fight to the ground.  Firmino’s pressure is relentless.  He’s giving Brooks no space.  Firmino gives up on the takedown and they separate.  They exchange jabs.  Firmino connects with an uppercut.  Brooks answers with a combination.  Brooks changes levels and takes Firmino down.  The round ends with Brooks maintaining top position.

Round 3:

Brooks uses his jab in an effort to keep Firmino on the outside.  Firmino plods forward and Brooks takes him down.  Brooks stands over Firmino and drops in with a right hand.  He works from the half guard position.  Firmino isolates an arm and gets back to full guard.  Firmino works to sweep Brooks and Brooks delivers hammer fists.  They scramble back to their feet and Brooks presses Firmino against the cage.  He drops down and secures a takedown.  Brooks maintaining postion while mixing in short left hands.  Firmino absorbs three right hands to the body.  Firmino staying active off the bottom but unable to escape Brooks’ top control.  Brooks stands and lands a big right hand at the bell.

Official Result: Will Brooks def. Luiz Firmino by unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

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